This should really be named just for "Tempest"

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Offline techno_wiz_oz

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Reply #30 on: January 14, 2009, 04:41:57 pm
The Amiga was a great machine but most of the complex (ie 68k based cabs) arcade conversions were really iffy. But then something like Lotus II Turbo Challenge would come along and show you that if they were the people doing Outrun it would have been as good as the PC-Engine/Megadrive version :) The difference between the C64 and Amiga for me was that amazing multitasking OS. And the A1000 was a quality machine, made my first PC sound like a jet engine on afterburners with full reheat and a crappy DOS prompt haha. Some of my favourite Amiga games are the early ones..Sword of Soda/Hybris/Unreal. They were amazing for early games that put later ones to shame.

I'm interested in the scrolling 'bug' that lets you scroll the whole screen not just 8 pixel shift. Any good writeup someone can point me to on the 'net would be fantastic. I think there were a lot more tricks/bugs in the C64 to exploit than the Amiga.

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Reply #31 on: January 14, 2009, 05:18:28 pm
I'm interested in the scrolling 'bug' that lets you scroll the whole screen not just 8 pixel shift. Any good writeup someone can point me to on the 'net would be fantastic. I think there were a lot more tricks/bugs in the C64 to exploit than the Amiga.

Did you mean FLD?

The info is all around this site


Coding for the love of it!