flash · 21281
...so that's how come Horace and manic miner are now fully playable after less than 4 hours actual coding.
I hope I can find some time to play with this once you release it.
Im diddent notice it. How many did the original Spectrum version had. Im thinks its should something like that, since its should look like its on C64 (and similar ports).
Ok, start on actor editing is now in. Not too exciting as yet and only for standard linear enemies. But, its a start lol...
The problem with animating them as you would any other sprite is that when one reaches its bounds and has to turn, it would have parts of it showing over the area it was meant to turn on. Hard to explain, but Sokky will understand.
...Except, it makes things jerky.Anyone PLEASE help here with a suggestion on how to remedy this?
Howover im do cannot compile those songs to TAP or AY (even better, since AY can been replayed like sid).