Sokurah · 14122
A port from spectrum to arcade :-). Since its a arcade board, a credit function could been fun to add.... Hehe.Of course its seen Taito L System was not random choiced, which is pretty much similar to Spectrum, so im thinks its was easier to code for (even the graphics of course is a bit different).
And the hardware has some weird peculiarities, like you can't use indexed adressing in banked RAM...and you can't write 16-bit values to banked RAM either, so if you want to draw a sprite you have to write the Xcoord as two separate 8-bit values. Weird.
Awesome work Sokky me old mucka.Great idea to rework for arcade hardware, it is always a boon to face new challenges and am really impressed how nicely you have pulled it off.
I can imagine that the hardware is where the learning curve is. The same was the issue for coding on the Vectrex (and DS). Learning the foibles of the language is pretty much the easy part, once you have a grip on assembler, other variations are pretty easy to code with. But getting to know the hardware and what it is and isn't capable of - thats the learning experience.
One thing I've never tried is coding the Z80. It just sounds like fun to me.