spacefractal · 66370
Yes, its could been done in glbasic and doing this in c64/spectrum style. Both games really.
3) I would happily share the code and that wold also help anyone get used to a new and powerful environment (looking at both SF and Sokky)
PS. All songs (+one original song as well) is in a 7z file now and also fixed the sam coupe missing link.
im was still got cold with Unity, due the work flow, and im are just a simple (Basic) programmer.MMLL was more or less a simple game, and MMLL could even been fun to do that in BlitzMax as well. Its some time ago im did BlitzMax stuff (mostly glbasic compiler stuff), but its was a great and fun language. Im not talking about Monkey, but BlitzMax. This due this game do not need to being mobile at all, but as a desktop game, if you ask me.