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Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
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Blue Gene Super Computer
Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
January 01, 2015, 10:24:25 pm
Ok, just popped a little video of Balders on youtube.
Have not been working on it much, but just sat here and thought I would record some play on the iPhone 6+.
Sadly, youtube does not play it back at 60fps? The recording is silky smooth prior to upload.. oh well. Also, I noticed after recording that the score values when collecting jewels is half a cell off (a recent cock up) and could not be bothered to fix it.
The game contains all levels from Boulderdash 1-4, but these will be removed if this is ever released. Also, the graphics are still my placeholder ones. Marcus is still busy on other commitments, so a 'tarting' up will have to wait.
The video shows the editor being used as well. Things are different on desktop, but workable on all systems.
Anyway, comments appreciated as always.
(and I will privately release a demo soon-ish, when I get a chance to finish a few things off)
(Really annoying that 60fps does not work? How the cock do you upload at 60fps?)
Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 10:30:55 pm by Flash
Coding for the love of it!
RBP Member
Cray-1 Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #1 on:
January 03, 2015, 09:21:54 am
Looking good. Seems very comprehensive and thorough.
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #2 on:
January 03, 2015, 09:33:28 am
There is a ton of stuff in there. Only scratched the surface with the video.
Ps. I think if you select 720p as the quality of the video it should play back at 60fps?
Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 10:26:49 am by Flash
Coding for the love of it!
RBP Member
Cray-1 Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #3 on:
January 03, 2015, 09:58:53 am
Bonus question: Are you using a DropBox API or have you rolled your own code?
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #4 on:
January 03, 2015, 10:14:50 am
I am using a little plug in for Dropbox. Sadly, this no longer works on iOS due to changes in WWW addressing (works fine on desktop though). Will wait until the end of the unity 5 beta and then worry about it.
Coding for the love of it!
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #5 on:
January 03, 2015, 02:36:56 pm
Well. I can get it at 60fps by making playback x2, but then it is too fast.
Must have been something I did wrong in the original upload somehow?
Coding for the love of it!
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #6 on:
January 03, 2015, 10:24:25 pm
Looks great Flash
PS I've heard that click sound from somewhere before.. hmmmm
Last Edit: January 03, 2015, 10:59:29 pm by headkaze
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #7 on:
January 04, 2015, 09:23:18 am
Yes. It is a little familiar? Lol
Coding for the love of it!
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #8 on:
January 04, 2015, 11:56:59 am
- Seen we have loan ideas from together.
- That idea you seen in 6:20 is also used very much in Greedy Mouse. But in the other way im also did used a few Jungool ideas (like the lava, which was water in Greedy Mouse). So dont worry at all, hehe
- Im do still like the simple b&w style, which looks pretty cool and suit the game as well. So im things the yellow background in that style is really not needed at all (its look a bit odd due parralax)?
- Lobo seen could also help, but you do have a contract, which seen have been take a long wait time?
- Im do like the small levels really, which fit nicely for a mobile game.
- Im sure its could been fun to create some levels for fun in the Balders style.
- Do make sure the game can run perfectly in 30fps as well, if you release it for Android (etc selectable from the menu or detecting it).
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #9 on:
January 05, 2015, 01:25:15 pm
Thanks for the feedback SF.
The ice jewels at 6.20 are a little different. If you push one, they will keep moving until that hit something. Also, pushing any objects that are on ice jewels will also keep sliding until the fall off the jewel or hit something.
There is something similar to water in the game, Goo. This will sit where it is unless it is allowed to escape, it will then fill every space at a level determined speed - it is also impassable and indestructible.
The B&W style I do want to keep in there for level graphics, though much improved visually. Any level can selected the graphics it uses, so I would like to have a few themed graphics. A revised version of the original Balders images (though in colour) would be nice. Sadly, Marcus is busy with another project of his own (along with something else important) so I have told him there is no rush.
The smaller levels are nice and you really can make them really puzzle based. But big ones are nice to. Currently, levels are restricted to 40x40 tiles for mobile, though I have defines to allow 100x100 on desktop and the levels have this data stored so it can be made so a desktop level will not display on a mobile device. Not sure if just to leave it to 40x40 though?
I have not tested on any android devices as yet, though I have tested setting the game to 30fps and that works - so shouldn't be a problem to add an option or detect it.
Am trying to think of a few more ideas for objects in the levels and interactions between different objects? There is plenty of scope there.
Coding for the love of it!
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #10 on:
January 05, 2015, 02:20:29 pm
Its was more the tunnel escape, where you move to left and move to the other side of the level (more closely at around 6.25). That have been happens a lots in Greedy Mouse as well. Its was a idea im did used in Mouse Runner as well (that Amiga version in Amos). But seen its works nicely in Balders as well.
The ice break smash is not used in Greedy Mouse, which property would not work at all. Howover some ghosts might hold a cheese, so they most been killed in order to get them.
If you gonna to uses more than one theme, then property its could been the b&w one, Lobo one (if he wish), and rest can been done by Marcus.
Music is really nice choiced.
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #11 on:
January 05, 2015, 04:37:28 pm
Ah, you mean the exits at the side of the screen. They were originally in Balders (though in the original game, the Y position was offset by 1 unit). Still, opening up the level like that can open some clever design ideas.
Oh, and it enables levels like this .... lol
Coding for the love of it!
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #12 on:
January 05, 2015, 08:24:12 pm
Yes it's property pacman and pacmania that did used it at first. And yes it's can open up for more fun design when using. In greedy mouse it's was still in same position in other side, include movable items. Due that you need to been sure a item does not fall unlimited (which was happens in a later level, oops)...
Here not a issue in this game, as long you can catch diamonds in air....
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Balders Video Beta Demo Thing
Reply #13 on:
January 05, 2015, 08:27:12 pm
I'm also thinks 40x40 is more than a nice limit generally.
However could been fun to do example a 60x10 size and such. So the size could been limit numbers of total tiles instead (max 1600 tiles example).
I'm not sure what the biggest size in greedy mouse, but was not 100x100, even I'm could do that. I'm did not do a limit in size through really. But I'm did so much I'm could to trim the level as possible.
Last Edit: January 05, 2015, 08:34:03 pm by spacefractal
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
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