Commodore 64 unreleased game

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on: November 18, 2008, 11:36:36 am

I have a game from 91 or 92 (can't rember) that was 'nearly' finished on 3 C64 disks (it was an update to a previously unreleased game - complete)

The game was called "Tidemarsh '92 (or '91)" and was a cross between gauntlet and robotron

The game could move all enemies (up to 256), 256 bullets and your main character at 60 fps.

As I said, the game is an update of an earlier game (87 or 88) called just "Tidemarsh". This game was bought by Mastertronic in the days of the Amiga Arcadia machines with the idea of a conversion to their cabinet - it never happened. I believe that both these games are ripe for release to the community.

Well, here's the catch:-

I have no way of transfering the disks to the pc to archive and distribute (lemon, gamebase, etc).

Does anyone have a lead I can borrow or a way of transfering them...?

I should have added that I was one of the 3 on the team that created "Warhawk" on the commodore 64. If you don't remember it, it was a shoot'em up based on the arcade game "Starforce" and was a fairly large hit. The playstation series of games were inspired by it, according to the authors.
I only mention it to perhaps indicate that the 2 games mentioned are worth seeing ;)
« Last Edit: November 18, 2008, 09:13:07 pm by Flash »

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Offline headkaze

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Reply #1 on: November 20, 2008, 01:56:20 am
Do you have any electronics skills? There is probably a way to get a null modem cable to send the data over. That is what I used to transfer stuff from my Amiga to PC.

I think that is awesome that you worked on Warhawk. What parts did you specifically work on?

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Reply #2 on: November 20, 2008, 07:28:51 am
Do you have any electronics skills? There is probably a way to get a null modem cable to send the data over. That is what I used to transfer stuff from my Amiga to PC.

I think that is awesome that you worked on Warhawk. What parts did you specifically work on?
There were 3 of us on the team, Ian Gogay (great name ;) ), Andrew Betts, and myself.
Ian was not a coder and instead did lots of the graphical work.
Andrew and myself worked on the code. Writing parts each and adding them to the main code. We were all learning at that time, and a memory I have is that Andrew could not work out how to do a score routine in asm. I stayed up all night to work it out and to then do the highscore routine. The attack patterns were tricky (back then) and consisted of instructions for direction and distance.
We all learnt a lot working through Warhawk. Luckily I had already written several games, though not of a commercial standard.

I know you can buy c64 2 pc leads on-line, but I only want to transfer about 3-4 disks. Got one full of my compunet scene demo's and intros also that I would like to see.. One is a hires dycp with sine wobble when bouncing, every scanline was interupted to modify the screen.. Really proud of that demo, it was called "The Opus" demo and was the last one I wrote on the c64... Happy days.

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Offline headkaze

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Reply #3 on: November 20, 2008, 12:58:56 pm
You would enjoy coding for the DS because it is very much like coding the old chips. I have written a sine wave effect by changing the horiztonal register every HBLANK on ARM7. After coding a few things on the DS I realised how much fun it must have been on the old computers.

I wrote a few programs on the C64 but only in BASIC. I used to go to the big stores here in Perth and write little programs and run them. I had about an 8 line BASIC program that would fill the screen with love hearts and then continuously scroll to the left a pixel at a time. No jittering or anything.

It was funny because back then I didn't have any books on the registers or anything. All I did was write a program to POKE memory in a loop and I'd just watch what happened. If it crashed I'd just run the program again. That is how I found the scroll registers!

I really wish I had a book on asm back then as I'm sure I would have got into the lower level coding. I wrote a few cool things in BASIC like I designed my own font which changed the default C64 font to my own. I designed the font using grid paper. Ahh the good ol' grid paper hehe good times!

Offline Grapple

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Reply #4 on: December 02, 2008, 08:48:00 am
Hehe, "The Opus" by S-Xpress..? Remeber that one.. i think it is availiable through the CSDb...

I might have one cable for transfering files directly from 1541 to the PC in a wardrobe at home.. let me check and if i find it i can send it to you.. OK?

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Reply #5 on: December 02, 2008, 10:16:52 am
Hehe, "The Opus" by S-Xpress..? Remeber that one.. i think it is availiable through the CSDb...

I might have one cable for transfering files directly from 1541 to the PC in a wardrobe at home.. let me check and if i find it i can send it to you.. OK?

C'mon - it was a good demo!

If you have got a lead (or can find it), that would be FANTASTIC..


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Reply #6 on: December 02, 2008, 11:08:27 am
Did I say it was a bad demo? Yes i liked it.. just DLed it again to have a look.. And it took me right back to the Dayz...

I remember we started up Royalty that year and released a few demos and lots of cracked games...

I will try looking for it asap (When I get home tonight)

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Reply #7 on: December 02, 2008, 11:52:34 am
Where did you find the demo (links are allowed here, but not to torrents and pirate, etc)?

I will keep my fingers crossed that you find it.... (they are crossed now ;) )


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Offline Grapple

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Reply #8 on: December 02, 2008, 12:14:19 pm
Oki.. here is a link to the S-Xpress releases (demos / cracks)

I noticed that there was a few thing made by you...

Credits :
Opus by S-Xpress  ...  1989 One-File Demo   (Code)
Muzak Rip #5 by S-Xpress  ...  1989 Music   (Ripping)
Muzix #3 by S-Xpress  ...  1989 Music   (Ripping)
Muzix #4 by S-Xpress  ...  1989 Music   (Ripping)
Amiga Dreams by S-Xpress  ...  ???? One-File Demo   (Code, Text)
2Bit Stars by S-Xpress  ...  ???? One-File Demo   (Code)

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Offline flash

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Reply #9 on: December 02, 2008, 01:38:03 pm
Oki.. here is a link to the S-Xpress releases (demos / cracks)

I noticed that there was a few thing made by you...

Credits :
Opus by S-Xpress  ...  1989 One-File Demo   (Code)
Muzak Rip #5 by S-Xpress  ...  1989 Music   (Ripping)
Muzix #3 by S-Xpress  ...  1989 Music   (Ripping)
Muzix #4 by S-Xpress  ...  1989 Music   (Ripping)
Amiga Dreams by S-Xpress  ...  ???? One-File Demo   (Code, Text)
2Bit Stars by S-Xpress  ...  ???? One-File Demo   (Code)

Wow!!! I never knew they were there - will have to check them out!!!!!


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Offline Grapple

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Reply #10 on: December 02, 2008, 01:39:20 pm
MM it is nice to have theese sites that keep track of history, and links to the files as downloadables aswell...

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Reply #11 on: December 02, 2008, 03:37:39 pm
Just went through all the demo's their and these be mine!!

H.A.T.E +3#&  ...  1989  Crack 
Opus  ...  1989  One-File Demo 
Compact #2  ...  1989  Crack 
Muzak Rip #5  ...  1989  Music 
Muzix #3  ...  1989  Music 
Muzix #4  ...  1989  Music 
2Bit Stars  ...    One-File Demo 
Amiga Dreams  ...   One-File Demo 
The Python   ...   One-File Demo 
The Python 2  ...   One-File Demo 
Violence  ...   One-File Demo

There were several more music based one also, with a different interface that did patterns and stuff. I hope I can find them!!!
« Last Edit: December 02, 2008, 03:41:28 pm by Flash »

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Offline Grapple

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Reply #12 on: December 02, 2008, 06:52:11 pm
well there is a few more sites that keep track of the old releases... But the CSDB one is one of the best ones... But i also have a bunch of demos and other things that aren´t listed at the site... have them as d64 files on a cd somewhere (which i made with the cable back in 1995 or so) so that i think is when i used it last... but i think i saved it together with all my old disks and a 1541... But I have moved a few times since then...

Just gimme a few days and i WILL find it... or else build ya a new one... NP...

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Reply #13 on: December 02, 2008, 07:39:04 pm
well there is a few more sites that keep track of the old releases... But the CSDB one is one of the best ones... But i also have a bunch of demos and other things that aren´t listed at the site... have them as d64 files on a cd somewhere (which i made with the cable back in 1995 or so) so that i think is when i used it last... but i think i saved it together with all my old disks and a 1541... But I have moved a few times since then...

Just gimme a few days and i WILL find it... or else build ya a new one... NP...
Thanks for making the effort to look for it.. Hopefully you will find it! If not, I will happily pay you for a lead if you really do not mind making one...?

God, it was so good to look at them demo's again ;)

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Reply #14 on: December 02, 2008, 09:27:10 pm
Nah, i think i have all the parts for it... and the company i work for will pay for postage... so no worries there... :)

Allways fun to talk to fellow ex. sceners.. :) it is really strange how the sceners from those days tend to show up everywhere....

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Reply #15 on: December 02, 2008, 09:29:37 pm
You just can't keep us down :)

I think we all just suffer from nostalgiaitus!

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Offline Grapple

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Reply #16 on: December 02, 2008, 09:34:36 pm
mm probably completely true... actually sitting down listening to old c64 sids at the moment... relaxing whith a beer...

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Reply #17 on: December 02, 2008, 09:40:19 pm
Talking of sids.. On that site there was also one of mine for J Lennon - Jeolous Guy. Had not heard that for ages (the sid that is).

I struggle to remember how I did them now... Old age - bugger!

Still bloody excited about hopefully seeing Tidemarsh again... Trust me, It was good!

Hope the disks are still ok though :/

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Offline Grapple

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Reply #18 on: December 02, 2008, 09:46:44 pm
Well i hope so to... that the disks are ok that is...

And maybe i get to see the game... would be really cool..

I think i have a disk with tunes i made too with the JCH composer and futurecomposer... wee long time ago.. But back then you had to do most of the stuff yourself..

I think i might also be able to send ya some Pics for the gallery, of another model of CBM calculator, and if you want:

c64 Breadbox, 1541, 1541II, ARIII,TFC3, A500,A600, Philips G7400, Some scans pics of original gameboxes, original computer boxes and more... Just have to find tha damn camera... it´s been gone since my trip to NY 14 days ago....

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Reply #19 on: December 02, 2008, 10:04:44 pm
Well i hope so to... that the disks are ok that is...

And maybe i get to see the game... would be really cool..

I think i have a disk with tunes i made too with the JCH composer and futurecomposer... wee long time ago.. But back then you had to do most of the stuff yourself..

I think i might also be able to send ya some Pics for the gallery, of another model of CBM calculator, and if you want:

c64 Breadbox, 1541, 1541II, ARIII,TFC3, A500,A600, Philips G7400, Some scans pics of original gameboxes, original computer boxes and more... Just have to find tha damn camera... it´s been gone since my trip to NY 14 days ago....

Box scans and the such like would be really great.

With photos though, they really need to be as hi res as possible and well lit (avoiding flash is able).
If you do get round to doing any, if you manage to "photoshop" them - great, post em! If not, send them to me and I will do the work and send them back to ya so you can have your name still with the image upload.

g7400 would be great (mine is a bit tatty).

Should be picking up a load more computers tomorrow (hp-85, dragons, rml-380z, etc), will post some pics of what is to come (when I get round to sorting the studio).

Did you see the post for the Horace game - thought you may be interested in the fourth in the trilogy :)

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Offline Grapple

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Reply #20 on: December 02, 2008, 10:26:02 pm
Well i trie to do my best with the pictures... but i can send ya the edited ones and also original .. if you want to do some changes... :)

I was talking to a friend earlier and he has a few "originals" like Atari PONG with box in mint condition.. i will go by his place aswell.. :)

Yes i saw it... looked really cool... have to dig up a Psion... think we have a few at work somewhere... :)

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Reply #21 on: December 02, 2008, 10:41:26 pm
Well i trie to do my best with the pictures... but i can send ya the edited ones and also original .. if you want to do some changes... :)

I was talking to a friend earlier and he has a few "originals" like Atari PONG with box in mint condition.. i will go by his place aswell.. :)

Yes i saw it... looked really cool... have to dig up a Psion... think we have a few at work somewhere... :)
Pong would also be nice..

Perhaps I may post the Horace code (it is now pd) then anyone who want can have a look or just pull it to bits :) It will run under emulation (not in Vista though) but it is too fast (the emu has no way of slowing down)

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Reply #22 on: December 03, 2008, 06:32:00 am
That would be incredibly cool...

About Pong and so on... the friend i have is a collector of Oldschool computers/consoles so he has quite a collection... he also collects Arcade Games / Flipper games... so I have to go by his place and do a photosession... :)

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Reply #23 on: December 03, 2008, 07:16:07 am
Sounds like a great idea. Thanks!

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Offline Grapple

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Reply #24 on: December 03, 2008, 07:38:35 am
I will try to go over there and get some pics this weekend if time will allow it... :(

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Reply #25 on: December 03, 2008, 02:28:28 pm
That would be great!

Ps. You have risen to the ranks of "Jupiter Ace"  :P

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Offline Grapple

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Reply #26 on: December 03, 2008, 02:48:28 pm
hehe, have more posts than you forum moderator...

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Reply #27 on: December 03, 2008, 04:22:59 pm
That is because Tempest is far too busy moderating to have time to post :) (as if?)

Gotta giggle!

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Reply #28 on: December 03, 2008, 08:03:37 pm
I can read, even if I can't write!  :)

The only thing I've seen so far that needed to be "Moderated" was the bit about the cock-ring,
and the sheep arse, and it was too funny to delete!  :D

I tried to report this reply, and got this:
An Error Has Occurred!
You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense! 

« Last Edit: December 03, 2008, 08:11:07 pm by Tempest »

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Reply #29 on: December 03, 2008, 08:24:13 pm
I can read, even if I can't write!  :)

The only thing I've seen so far that needed to be "Moderated" was the bit about the cock-ring,
and the sheep arse, and it was too funny to delete!  :D

I tried to report this reply, and got this:

And just like anything revolving around you - nothing make sense :) :)

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