flash · 32262
Do you have any electronics skills? There is probably a way to get a null modem cable to send the data over. That is what I used to transfer stuff from my Amiga to PC.I think that is awesome that you worked on Warhawk. What parts did you specifically work on?
Hehe, "The Opus" by S-Xpress..? Remeber that one.. i think it is availiable through the CSDb...I might have one cable for transfering files directly from 1541 to the PC in a wardrobe at home.. let me check and if i find it i can send it to you.. OK?
Oki.. here is a link to the S-Xpress releases (demos / cracks) http://noname.c64.org/csdb/group/?id=4245I noticed that there was a few thing made by you...Credits :Opus by S-Xpress ... 1989 One-File Demo (Code) Muzak Rip #5 by S-Xpress ... 1989 Music (Ripping) Muzix #3 by S-Xpress ... 1989 Music (Ripping) Muzix #4 by S-Xpress ... 1989 Music (Ripping) Amiga Dreams by S-Xpress ... ? One-File Demo (Code, Text) 2Bit Stars by S-Xpress ... ? One-File Demo (Code)
well there is a few more sites that keep track of the old releases... But the CSDB one is one of the best ones... But i also have a bunch of demos and other things that aren´t listed at the site... have them as d64 files on a cd somewhere (which i made with the cable back in 1995 or so) so that i think is when i used it last... but i think i saved it together with all my old disks and a 1541... But I have moved a few times since then...Just gimme a few days and i WILL find it... or else build ya a new one... NP...
Well i hope so to... that the disks are ok that is... And maybe i get to see the game... would be really cool..I think i have a disk with tunes i made too with the JCH composer and futurecomposer... wee long time ago.. But back then you had to do most of the stuff yourself..I think i might also be able to send ya some Pics for the gallery, of another model of CBM calculator, and if you want:c64 Breadbox, 1541, 1541II, ARIII,TFC3, A500,A600, Philips G7400, Some scans pics of original gameboxes, original computer boxes and more... Just have to find tha damn camera... it´s been gone since my trip to NY 14 days ago....
Well i trie to do my best with the pictures... but i can send ya the edited ones and also original .. if you want to do some changes... I was talking to a friend earlier and he has a few "originals" like Atari PONG with box in mint condition.. i will go by his place aswell.. Yes i saw it... looked really cool... have to dig up a Psion... think we have a few at work somewhere...
An Error Has Occurred! You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!
I can read, even if I can't write! The only thing I've seen so far that needed to be "Moderated" was the bit about the cock-ring, and the sheep arse, and it was too funny to delete! I tried to report this reply, and got this: LOL