PyroMax Dax (beta and needsfeedback)

relminator · 10944

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on: December 21, 2012, 10:54:37 pm
Hi guys, I'm prototyping a gameplay.  Think of it as megaman attacks with mario physics.  It's a PC game.

   -See in-game instructions
   Jump -> SPACE
   Attack -> Z
   Pause/Change Incendiaries -> ENTER
   Change Incendiaries -> LEFT/RIGHT (When paused)
   Menu Controls -> LEFT/RIGHT and ENTER
   Switch to FullScreen -> ALT + ENTER
   Note: You can only attack when not moving except with the
        Shot attack which you can use even when jumping.


Would the gameplay work?

« Last Edit: December 21, 2012, 11:31:43 pm by relminator »

SHMUP is my middlename.

Offline spacefractal

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Reply #1 on: December 26, 2012, 10:36:51 pm
I just tested this one, its a bit too early if you ask me, because its a very alpha stage as its are now, so I cant see can do any construvetive critic. Its could works, but its depend you will implement enemy and how you will fight with them. The main focus here is the kind of control, you got interupted when shooting, which is not allways normal. But again, its could works if rest is implemented nicely.

Its was somewhere there we was, when Jungool was very early, when its was still on DS/PC. Later we did a full game of it.

PS. The control for bomb can been confuction, because dosent register the keypress, before you stop completly. I thinks its should place the bomb, while holding Z down, and you stop your hero.

The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.

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Reply #2 on: January 02, 2013, 08:45:13 am
Thanks for testing.  I made it a point to stop horizontal movement while in attack mode actually.  I would compensate it with easier enemies and bosses.  You can't plant bombs, dynamites and mines while moving(even when breaking). The only way you can plant incendiaries is when you are idle.

New engine with source(freebasic):

Enter to select incendiary-type(4 so far).

Also added some moving platforms, 1 enemy type, iced tiles, bouncy tiles, etc.

Thanks for the feedback.

PS.   This is kinda secret so don't upload anywhere else until finished (mid-February is my deadline)

SHMUP is my middlename.

Offline spacefractal

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Reply #3 on: January 02, 2013, 08:51:59 pm
But they keys did not register when you holding down the bomb button while you stop up, also soon you are idle. I guess its should checkout a keydown event, not a keyhit event. But of course should only happens once, while second bomb would been nice with keyhit until moving. This is only a idea.

I checks the new binary either tomorrow or Saturday, of course I'm never upload anything.

The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.

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Reply #4 on: January 10, 2013, 10:40:18 am
Updated the engine:

Done a lot with the presentation so far.  Controls can now be configured and saved, game stuff could also be configured.

Some really nice animations are added to both the game states and the player states.

Also anyone try this with their joysticks if it works with one?


« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 10:52:44 am by relminator »

SHMUP is my middlename.

Offline spacefractal

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Reply #5 on: January 18, 2013, 06:06:00 pm
I have today just checked the new version before I take a week vaccation. Sorry for the delay.

The new version works very well, and looks like a nice game and turns to been a great game, much better than the first version I tested. Also the control thing I talked about the bombs works also nice too. So that thing is fixed, so there is no more issues on the control part anymore, its now works correctly (except few keys I want remapped, which I diddent test that yet, so nothing about it).

The only thing I found is the tips and story on text is impossible to read and there is no text formatting, which is never good to read. You should eventuelly use scroll thing, just like you seen on most console rpgs, so its easier to been read.

The weapon select screen is behind platforms, not on the front. Im not sure you should use pause here too, which can been confuction as well. Just let user select weapon without the bliking thing.

So in the all, this version is a lots better and a quite nice early game. I love to see more of it.

This g ame seen to use 640x480 resoulution (4:3), while most on the world today uses 16:9 screen. that mean the graphics have been streched, which look awfull. Howover I do think its could been fixed by checking if 720x480 resoulution exists and then select that (or manual in the option). This game is a side platformer, so I thinks its would not hurt to uses one of the two resoulutions at all.

PS. I try with my 360 wired when I went home from vaccation.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 06:14:44 pm by spacefractal »

The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.

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Reply #6 on: February 01, 2013, 01:15:23 pm
My computer is kinda old and 16:9 doesn't work too well with my monitor. ;*(

I'll try to find a way to support both modes.

Anyways, here's a 6 level demo (though you could go to 4 boss stages in stage 1 as a test of all the bosses).

The game is shaping up to be more mario than megaman.

Thanks for testing.

SHMUP is my middlename.