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Released: Karma Miwa
Released: Karma Miwa
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RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Ongoing Project: Karma Miwa
Reply #30 on:
February 24, 2014, 01:46:46 am
provisioning profiles and certificates is not a issue. They all works as intended, and can even upload a Binary without a issue (but im do Dev rejected it). iCloud seen require unique app id. Im write the warning tomorrow about inapp issue.
Howover in this morning, its seen the inapp purchase have been fixed its self (now im can add it), property due im did rejected the binary? Its was not possible when status was set to "Ready to Upload" for some reason.
On android I'm have not wasted thing like those crap. It's does works much better. Thay why I'm love ouya, which was so easy. Howover there is a fun little bug on Ouya after a system update, which caused savegamse not workign correctly (which is fixed trought).
Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 05:41:12 am by spacefractal
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Ongoing Project: Karma Miwa
Reply #31 on:
February 24, 2014, 04:13:30 pm
Phew, after fighthing with the Code Signing (one failed for unknown reason), KeyChain issues with iCloud etc crap (dispite im still uses TeamID for the Karma Miwa Prefix), im thinks im finally got the to work.
Another annoying thing is Gloss off was only been set to iOS7, and took some time to get that to work again on iOS5 with no gloss on the icon (its was designed without it).
Howover im thinks im got all bugs and issues fixed and a binary have just been uploaded (MkStoreKit uses iCloud to store the purchased item, which is pretty nice).
Now im need to get Android version working 100%, which should been pretty easy. Most is just promotion assest files for Google Play and make sure orientation works on Android too.
PS. Im have no idea this game do works on 3gs, which have been untested, but iPhone 4 should works pretty nice with 30fps (and 60fps on ipghone 4+), which iPad 1 get 30fps, and 60fps on iPad 2+ All with full graphics.
Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 04:15:24 pm by spacefractal
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released (Ouya by far): Karma Miwa
Reply #32 on:
February 24, 2014, 04:24:10 pm
im uses this for discribtion, any thing im could change:
You play as Terry, a strange fragile flightless bird, who has been gone for too long and now wants to go home to his friend, Miwa.
However for unknown reasons, enemies are being lured and attracted Terry. Terry needs to run and jump over many enemies and obstacles on his journey home to Miwa. His trek is long and full of danger.
Can you help Terry to get home to Miwa?
- Play as Terry or Miwa.
- Playing as Terry gives access to two difficulty modes - Normal (3 lives) or Pro (1 life).
- 2 hit system - the first contact with an enemy is non-fatal.
- Playing as Miwa gives access to Easy mode (4 lives). Once all lives are lost the game enters Practice Mode where you can continue the level.
- The game features 21 levels, spread over three different areas (6 in the free version).
- Each difficulty level has its own save file.
- The game offers 2 methods of Touch Control - 4 point and joypad modes.
- iCloud is used for save purchased item.
Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 09:21:15 pm by spacefractal
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released (Ouya by far): Karma Miwa
Reply #33 on:
March 06, 2014, 07:33:29 pm
damn.... iOS version got rejected by Apple. Howover its just a stupid inapp error bug that got sneaked in. That is fixed, uploaded and got delayed. Android Version is also ready, but im do wait until iOS version got accepted. So until then its OUYA exclusive.
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released (Ouya by far): Karma Miwa
Reply #34 on:
March 07, 2014, 03:27:12 pm
Apple can be very anal about things sometimes.
Coding for the love of it!
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released (Ouya by far): Karma Miwa
Reply #35 on:
March 07, 2014, 04:17:32 pm
Yup, we've been rejected several times. One was for not having a 'restore purchases' button, one was for showing a BSOD in Windoze Solitaire if you left the titlescreen on for 5 minutes. I can't remember the rest.
I never thought they would discover the BSOD one. I mean what tester would leave the titlescreen running for 5 minutes? Anyway their reasoning behind removing that was because people might think the game really had crashed. I can understand why but it was disappointing to have to remove that little 'easter egg'.
EDIT: Speaking of 'Easter Eggs' if you play WinSol on Steve Jobs birthday / anniversary of death it will show a tiny icon of his face in the corner of the titlescreen.
Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 04:19:04 pm by headkaze
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released (Ouya by far): Karma Miwa
Reply #36 on:
March 07, 2014, 05:01:48 pm
And the secret Easter Sunday award
Let me know when the game is released sf. Looking forward to the ios version.
Coding for the love of it!
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released (Ouya + Android by far): Karma Miwa
Reply #37 on:
March 08, 2014, 02:11:13 pm
damn. im loved that bsod easteregg, hehe.
The music was still playing, so its could not crash completly. Alternative you could do something like russian di with thier closing OL, when they joked with the ol rings.
The bug im in Karma Miwa was a stupid one around inapp purchase, but this do adding another around 2 weeks wait time. Also the game is more indepth tested on OUYA and got rejected several times too for various reasons (but good ones, even it took some time in one of them).
Howover the game is now out to Android as v1.0.2 on Google Play:
Im thinks iOS, if they not find other issues, should been out somewhere next week.
Last Edit: March 08, 2014, 06:39:36 pm by spacefractal
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released: Karma Miwa
Reply #38 on:
March 13, 2014, 05:36:27 am
Karma Mima got approvede for iOS. There is three small bug I'm have fixed so I'm upload soon a new binary.
None of them is fatal or major, just minor one (joy size not saved, practice mode not removed on restart from pause menu, and a spelling on the loading screen).
I'm do was scared, due it's suddenly got to "developer removed from shop" whitout a clue why and contacted apple. Later it's turned none country was selected.
I'm do can't test if the purchase works, due keys is allready saved to iCloud.
Ps. Started on third game, which is not really a remake.
Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 05:37:18 am by spacefractal
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released: Karma Miwa
Reply #39 on:
March 13, 2014, 01:13:01 pm
Looking good mate.
Did the in app and all worked fine for me.
One thing, cleared 2 rookie levels and pro is now unlocked - is this correct?
Coding for the love of it!
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released: Karma Miwa
Reply #40 on:
March 13, 2014, 01:16:23 pm
ahhh that a another bug, but it was fixed after v1.0, im thinks its was due for easier testing for a contain thing. Its was means its was after 500000points total, but thinks this one was set to 5000 points. But stiill its not a game crash really.
But no real way to pull binary, but upload a new one later today instead, which im does not soo long.
im found another two very minor bugs which got fixed, but is now being upload a v1.0.5 to Apple.
Last Edit: March 13, 2014, 02:30:06 pm by spacefractal
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released: Karma Miwa
Reply #41 on:
March 14, 2014, 09:36:23 am
Downloading now...
Quote from: spacefractal on March 13, 2014, 05:36:27 am
Ps. Started on third game, which is not really a remake.
Do tell
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released: Karma Miwa
Reply #42 on:
March 14, 2014, 12:47:04 pm
That time, the game would propertbeen a lesser simple game. Its not a remake on a game, but there is comply of the game of that genre out, mostly flash one (as Anders have told).
Howover the closest of the genre, would been a mix of Drawrace and Finger Rider, but in pretty much different way. Im are still in very early state.
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
RBP Member
Cray-1 Super Computer
Re: Released: Karma Miwa
Reply #43 on:
March 14, 2014, 08:55:20 pm
I'm glad to hear that this game is done and you're getting ready to work on something new.
...of all people
know how annoying/stressing it is to work on projects for over a year.
RBP Team Member
Blue Gene Super Computer
Re: Released: Karma Miwa
Reply #44 on:
March 14, 2014, 09:09:18 pm
and a much of idle time as well, hehe, due waiting. The new game does not need very much graphics. Only few objects is actuelly needed. That is property why im will tryout that idea. Im great a thread in the closed forum, because its not official yet, due its so early yet.
The Musician for the RetroBytes Portal Projects.
Altair 8800
Re: Released: Karma Miwa
Reply #45 on:
July 04, 2014, 04:00:02 pm
Karma Miwa is an Action game
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Released: Karma Miwa