Convex Wars FB

relminator · 9090

Offline relminator

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on: October 14, 2012, 08:53:33 am
Hello guys, I made a new little game.



   -See in-game instructions

About the game:

   Just a minigame I made over the week to showcase Easy GL2D for FreeBasic.
   Original game was an even smaller minigame I made in C++ to showcase Easy GL2D for C/C++.
   It is also notable that because I wanted this game (the source at least)
       to be a sort of a teaching material, I used the "easiest" ways to make this game.
      Which means that I used internal FB commands almost exclusively, major absence of
      pointers and use dim/redim as opposed to new[] (except for the polygon class).
      Doing so did not really hamper the game's speed in any way so I guess FB's dynamic
      allocation with run-time checks for arrays are not that slow as anyone might think. ;*)
      I also commented the source like crazy so that anyone reading it could understand
      the gist of what the code does.
   Don't expect much from this as my purposes in making this game are:
   - Stresstest and showcase Easy GL2D
   - Make a game that only use the GlowLine() sub
   - To make an example of how to make games in FB easily using some
      of the most commonly used coding techniques( FSM, Factories, SAT(Separating Axis Theorem), etc )
   - Share some of the most common classes I use (Keyboard, Joystick, Mouse, Vector2D, Polygon2D, etc)
   - Brush up on my FB knowledge. I keep forgeting "then" and type {} in my for-loops, typing "switch"
       for select cases, etc. but it was fun.

   An asteroids clone with a funky experimental control system.
   Just shoot everything that moves.
   This is a "vector" game so GFX are made of simple glowlines.
   Gameplay is kinda boring to say the least.
   Sourcecode is provided for learning purposes.
   Use to your hearts content, but I would enjoy knowing the things you used it for.
   Code should never be used to harm anyone.
   I used FBedit to code this game

SHMUP is my middlename.

Offline flash

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Reply #1 on: October 14, 2012, 09:57:46 am
Looks damn sweet though. I will certainly have a play.

Thanks for the post.

Coding for the love of it!

Offline relminator

  • Jupiter Ace
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Reply #2 on: October 16, 2012, 06:18:16 am
Thanks, don't expect much though. ;*)

SHMUP is my middlename.

Offline flash

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Reply #3 on: October 16, 2012, 09:49:11 am
I make a point of never expecting too much - married life has made me that way!  :)  :)

Coding for the love of it!